Bamidbar 5770
05/16/2010 06:43:33 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Raising Heads ... Counting Names ...
"Hashem spoke to Moshe in the Wilderness of Sinai, in the Tent of Meeting, on the first of the second month, in the second year after their exodus from the land of Egypt, saying, Take census of the entireassembly of the Children of Israel according to their families, according to their fathers' house, by number of the names, every male according to their head...Read more...
The Sins of his Sons
04/26/2010 08:06:05 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
This week's Parsha, according to Rashi, is really a continuation of Parshas Shemini with regards to the death of Aharon's sons. Rashi explains that Hashem is reinforcing his warning to Aharon to not follow in their footsteps. Rashi uses an analogy of a patient receiving a second doctor's opinion which matches the first doctor's prognosis, strengthening the first prognosis by sharing with him the story of a...Read more...
Take Me Along
02/10/2010 08:55:36 AM
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Rabbi Moshe Lieber
The Parashah begins with the mitzvah to donate to the cause of building a Mishkan. The passuk reads "וְיִקְחוּ לִי תְּרוּמָה" which means “Let them take for Me a portion”. The Midrash renders it as “let them take Me...Read more...
Sabotaged Excuses
12/24/2009 07:49:22 AM
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When Yosef finally reveals himself to his brothers he says “I am Yosef, Is my father still alive? But his brothers were unable to reply because they were left in shock before him”
The question is astounding! The entire time Yehuda has been pleading to allow Binyamin to return home to their father so that a tragedy doesn’t come about. The most recent information that they have is that Yaakov is...Read more...
Parshas Korach
10/21/2009 11:10:47 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The gemora in baba basra 74a relates how an arab took Rabba bar bar Chana to visit the location where the assemblage of korach were swallowed by the earth. He heard them saying "Moshe v'toraso emes v'hen badain" - Moshe and his Torah are true and "they" are liars. Why do they refer to themselves in the third person?
In perek 16 pasuk 15 Moshe Rabeinu...
Parshas Balak
10/21/2009 11:09:12 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The Torah relates how Balak sends emissaries to Bilaam, the prophet of the nations, to forge an alliance with him. The goal being bringing about the destruction of the Bnei Yisroel via a curse.
Hashem queries Bilaam, "Who are these men that are with you?" Rashi quotes chazal that Hashem's purpose in asking this of Bilaam was in order to fool him. Bilaam was under...Read more...
Parshas Pinchos
10/21/2009 11:07:08 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In the end of parshas Balak it is recorded how the Bnei Yisroel committed acts of immorality with the daughters of Moav. This incident immediately follows the departure of Bilaam and Balak who unsuccessfully attempted to place a curse on the Bnei Yisroel.
Chazal point out that the two incidents are related. It was Bilaam who advised Balak to send out the "bnos...Read more...
Parshas Matos
10/21/2009 11:04:33 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Parshas Matos begins with the laws of oaths and vows. We learn from this parsha that speech is a reality. It is not just a sequence of guttural emissions to facilitate communication. When one makes a neder he is forced to act in accordance with his word. Although a vehicle exists for the nullification of personal nedarim, nedarim made in public create such a reality that there is no...Read more...
Parshas Devorim
10/21/2009 11:01:47 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Sefer Devorim is called Mishnah Torah, a double of the Torah. It contains very few mitzvos not mentioned previously. What then is the purpose of the repetition? The Ramban also notes that there seems to be no repetition of the laws of the kehunah and bais hamikdash.
In this week's sedrah the war between Klal Yisroel and Og Melech Habashan is repeated. The Torah finds it...Read more...
Parshas Ki Seitzei
10/21/2009 10:49:33 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
A correlation is made between the two mitzvos, kibud av va'em and shiluach haken. Ordinarily the Torah omits all mention of reward in regard to the performance of mitzvos. An exception is made in the case of these two. We are told of the benefits received for performing the mitzva of honoring one's father and mother and prior to removing eggs from a nest, sending away the mother bird,...Read more...
Parshas Nitzavim
10/21/2009 10:47:11 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Moshe Rabeinu, in taking his leave from the Bnei Yisriel prior to his passing, addresses the assemblage. He says to them, "You are a monument (nitzavim), today, all of you, in front of Hash-em your G-d, the heads of your tribes, elders, enforcers, all men of Israel, children, women, converts, and slaves."
The purpose of the gathering, to forge a "bris" (covenant)...Read more...
Parshas Nitzavim
10/21/2009 10:43:13 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Moshe Rabeinu, in taking his leave from the Bnei Yisriel prior to his passing, addresses the assemblage. He says to them, "You are a monument (nitzavim), today, all of you, in front of Hash-em your G-d, the heads of your tribes, elders, enforcers, all men of Israel, children, women, converts, and slaves."
The purpose of the gathering, to forge a "bris"...
Parshas Korach
10/21/2009 10:39:58 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Moshe Rabeinu proclaims that the congregation of Korach will not die a natural death, rather, they will be swallowed up alive by the mouth of the earth. Their death in this manner provides the proof that Moshe is the true messenger of Hashem.
What is so unique about this form of punishment that it clarifies, once and for all, Moshe's role amongst the Bnei Yisroel? Why is it...Read more...
Parshas Chukas
10/21/2009 10:37:39 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In this week's parsha Moshe and Aharon are told that they will not merit being the ones to bring the Bnei Yisroel into Eretz Yisroel (perek 20, posuk 13).
They stand accused of failing to sanctify Hashem properly.
The Bnei Yisroel were at the end of their travels through the desert. Their physical needs were provided for in a miraculous manner for the past...Read more...
Parshas Devorim
10/21/2009 10:35:14 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Sefer Devorim begins with words of rebuke for the sins of the Bnei Yisroel in the desert. Moshe Rabeinu displays sensitivity by couching his words in hints. He alludes to their sins by mentioning the places where they were committed.
He refers to the aveiros of "bein Paran uvein Tofel". The Kli Yakar explains that Paran is the sin of the "meraglim" and...Read more...
Parshas Vayeitze
10/21/2009 10:31:09 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Yaakov Avenu, upon awakening from his dream made a vow. He vowed that if Hashem would be with him, guard him along the way, provide bread and clothing, return him safely to his father's house, and be his G-d ........
Then the monument that he erected to Hashem would be a House of the Lord and he would tithe all that Hashem gives him.
Understandably, Yaakov's...
Parshas VaYishlach (#2)
10/21/2009 10:29:07 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Yaakov Avenu sent angels before him to his brother Eisav. They returned and reported to Yaakov that they had met up with his brother, with Eisav, and he is coming towards him with four hundred men.
Rashi comments on the usage of the words "to your brother, to Eisav". Yaakov refers to Eisav as a brother, but he is still filled with anger and is acting like Eisav...Read more...
Parshas Vayishlach
10/21/2009 10:26:21 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In Parshas VaYishlach, perek 32, posuk 23, the Torah relates how Yaakov Aveinu crossed the Yabok river with his eleven children. Rashi quotes the Medrash Rabbah to explain why his daughter Dina is not mentioned. Dina was placed in a box in order to avoid being taken by Eisav as a wife. Yaakov was punished as a result. Perhaps she would have set Eisav upon the proper path. She, therefore, was doomed...Read more...
Parshas Pinchos
10/21/2009 10:24:26 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In the aftermath of the plague that killed out 24,000 men of the tribe of Shimon, Hashem commands Moshe to take a census of the Bnei Yisroel. Chazal liken this to a shepherd whose flock was attacked by wolves. He counts them to see how many survived the attack. (1)
The Torah enumerates the tribes and assigns to each of their offspring the title of "mishpocho" -...Read more...
Parshas Matos
10/21/2009 10:23:04 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Hashem commanded Moshe Rabeinu to exact the vengeance of the Bnei Yisroel from the Midianim. Moshe, assigned Pinchos to the task of meting out Hashem's vengeance to the Midianim. (1)
Why Pinchos? Our sages tell us, to avenge the sale of his maternal grandfather, Yosef Hatzaddik, who was sold to Mitzrayim by the Midianim. (2)
Does the Torah mean to tell us that...
Parshas Devorim - Tisha B'Av
10/21/2009 10:19:46 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The general theme of the fast of Tisha B'Av is one of mourning. Many of the laws of the period surrounding Tisha B'Av parallel those of aveilus (e.g. prohibitions of shaving, listening to music, wearing freshly laundered clothing).
There are additional stringencies that come with Tisha B'Av and the onset of the fast that bear scrutiny. The seuda immediately prior to the fast, the seuda...Read more...
Parshas Re'eh
10/21/2009 10:16:25 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Moshe Rabeinu, while taking his leave of the Bnei Yisroel prior to his passing, speaks to them. He tells them, "SEE, I am placing before you today blessing and curse." He foretells of the time when they would enter the Land of Israel and gives them detailed directions to enable them to reach the area where two mountains are situated, Har Gerizim and Har Eival. Upon those two mountains the...Read more...
Parshas Lech Lecho
10/21/2009 10:14:10 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Avrohom Avenu upon emerging victorious from the war against the four kings, (Amrofel-Nimrod, Aryoch, K'dorleomer, and Sidal) is greeted by the King of S'dom whom he saved. He makes Avrohom a generous offer. "Return the captives to me and all the plunder is yours". Avrohom's response is not slow in coming. "I lift up my arm to Hashem upon high, creator of the Heavens and Earth, if I...Read more...
Parshas Chayei Sora
10/21/2009 10:12:18 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Following the untimely death of Sorah Imeinu, Avrohom Avenu embarks on a search for a wife on behalf of his son Yitzchok. He entrusts his faithful servant Eliezer with the task. Eliezer was the father of a daughter and Avrohom Avenu took measures to ensure that Eliezer would choose someone from Avrohom's family in Aram Naharayim rather than his own daughter. After giving him strict instructions,...Read more...
Parshas Vayeshev/Miketz/Chanuka
10/21/2009 09:59:11 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The posuk says, "Eileh toldos Yaakov, Yosef ben sh'va esreh shana." (1) (These are the children of Yaakov, Yosef was 17 years old). We find Yosef Hatzaddik referred to as the "children" of Yaakov. It is clear from this passage that the entire subsistence of Yaakov's children hinged upon Yosef. (2) Thus, the children of Yaakov were Yosef.
The Posuk continues to relate his...
Parshas Vayera
10/21/2009 09:54:55 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In Parshas Vayera the Torah relates how Hashem destroyed the wicked city of Sodom. Avrohom Avenu’s nephew, Lot, was dwelling in Sodom. The Torah says, “Vayizchor Elokim es Avrohom vayishalach es Lot mitoch hahafecha”, Hashem remembered Avrohom and He sent Lot out from the upheaval. Lot was saved solely because Hashem remembered Avrohom. Rashi queries, “How is the remembrance...Read more...
Parshas Va'era/Bo Part I
10/21/2009 09:51:20 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The Torah states in Parshas Bo, "Ul'maan tisaper bi'aznei bincha u'ben bincha es ashe his'alalti biMitzrayim" - In order for you to relate over to your son and grandson that which I "played" with Mitzrayim. (1)
Rather than bringing Makas Bechoros upon the Egyptians at the outset, thus freeing the Jewish people immediately, nine plagues preceded it. Hashem is playing with...Read more...
Parshas Bo part II
10/21/2009 09:49:48 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In the dawn of creation Hashem prepared the ultimate test for man. He created the serpent. A wily creature, master illusionist, capable of presenting right as wrong, dark as light....Read more...
Parshas Beshalach
10/21/2009 09:47:44 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The Torah says in Parshas Beshalach, (15,15) "Az nivhalu alufei Edom Eilei Moav yochazeimo raad." - The Edomites were filled with formless confusion, the Moabites were gripped with tremors. Rashi questions the reason for their fear. The B’nei Yisroel were on the path to conquering the Land of Israel. The Moabites and Edomites were not in danger of being taken over. Rashi supplies a...Read more...
Parshas Yisro
10/21/2009 09:41:34 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Yisro heard. He heard of the miracles Hashem performed for his nation. Rashi informs us that Yisro had seven names - Re'uel, Yeser, Yisro, Chovev, Chever, Keini, and Putiel. (1)
Each of his...
Sun, February 2 2025
4 Shevat 5785
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