:"Evil Mountain?"
08/02/2013 10:05:42 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Re'eh
"Evil Mountain?"
Moshe Rabeinu addresses the Bnei Yisroel. He says to them, “Re’eh anochi nosayn lifnaychem hayom bracha u’klallah”. See, I have placed before...Read more...
The Benefits Of Starvation
07/26/2013 08:44:39 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Eikev
The Benefits of Starvation
In the desert, Klal Yisroel was sustained by the manna. Their eating was an unnatural one. It descended from shamayim. It had non-physical properties. It was called "lechem abirim", the bread of angels.
Creation By Sight
07/19/2013 09:50:02 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Va'Eschanan
Klal Yisroel was about to enter Eretz Yisroel. Moshe Rabeinu would not be accompanying them.
Hashem commanded Moshe Rabeinu to bring forth water for the Bnei Yisroel by speaking to the rock. Moshe erred. Instead, he struck the...Read more...
Little Baby Og
07/12/2013 10:16:16 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Devarim
The sefer of Devarim is called Mishnah Torah, a repetition of the Torah. It is a summation of what was stated previously in the other books of the Torah.
In Parshas Devarim, the account of the war between K’lal Yisroel...Read more...
The Sorcerers Fell To The Ground
07/05/2013 09:05:19 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
The Sorcerers Fell To The Ground
Parshas Matos 5773
The parshah begins with the laws of oaths and vows.[1]
The discussion of vows is directly followed by revenge. [2]
The time of retribution has come for the people of Midian. This is to be the very last act of Moshe Rabeinu on this earth.
Don't Believe Everything You Hear
06/21/2013 11:45:23 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Don't Believe Everything You Hear
Parshas Balak 5773
The Bnei Yisroel were fast approaching the Land of Canaan. The vanguards of Eretz Canaan, Sichon the king of the Emori and Og the King of Bashan were roundly defeated.
Mo’av was afraid.
Fallen Angels
06/15/2013 03:47:50 PM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Chukas - 5773
In this week's parshah Moshe and Aharon are told that they will not be the ones to bring the Bnei Yisroel into...Read more...
Moshe's Very Own Donkey
06/07/2013 10:18:37 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Moshe’s Very Own Donkey
Parshas Korach 5773
Korach staged a rebellion against the leadership of Moshe Rabeinu.
There are a number of stated causes for the basis of his revolt.
Moshe had promised to bring...
"Be Mine," Said the Sun to the Moon
05/31/2013 07:27:30 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
“Be Mine,” Said the Sun to the Moon
Parshas Shlach
The greatest tragedy to befall the Jewish nation is contained in the parshah of Shlach.
The Bnei Yisroel stood poised to enter Eretz Yisroel, the...Read more...
The Eyes of Return
05/24/2013 11:51:37 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
The Eyes of Return
Parshas BeHa’aloscha 5773
The Torah describes the process of taking leave from Har Sinai. In the second year of the exodus from...Read more...
His Fault, Her Fault?
05/17/2013 10:53:00 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
His Fault, Her fault?
Parshas Naso 5773
The isha sotah is a woman who acts in a suspicious manner. She is warned by her husband not to be found alone with another man. She flouts his warning. From that moment on she is under a pall of suspicion. She is forbidden to be with...Read more...
From Earth to Angels
05/10/2013 10:31:39 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas BaMidbar 5773 - From Earth to Angels
Parshas BaMidbar is the first parsha in the sefer called BaMidbar. The Ramban tells us that the sefer deals with the manner the Bnei Yisroel were to interact with the Mishkan. They were warned against approaching it, just as they had been warned against ascending Har Sinai. The Kohanim are commanded in entering the sanctuary...Read more...
The Tale of Two Goats
04/19/2013 10:41:14 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Acharei Mos 5773
Nadav and Avihu, two sons of Aharon HaKohen died. They died on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the day of the inauguration of the Miskan. Aharon HaKohen offered the korbanos of chata’as, olah, and sh’lamim. A fire descended from heaven and consumed the sacrifices.
The Unbirth
04/12/2013 10:21:42 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Tazria opens with the laws of a woman who has given birth to a child. If it is a male child she is ritually impure for a period of seven days following the birth. On the eighth day the child is to be circumcised. On the fortieth day she brings a korban. If it is a female child she is ritually impure for fourteen days. On the eightieth day she offers a korban.
The vast...
Getting In Touch With Your Animal Self
04/05/2013 10:35:57 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Getting In Touch With Your Animal Self
Parshas Shmini 5773
The Mishkan was completed. The seven days prior to Rosh Chodesh Nisan were filled with preparatory avoda. Moshe clothed Aharon and his sons in the bigdei kehuna and involved them in the sacrifices.
On the eighth day, Rosh Chodesh, Aharon was commanded to...Read more...
Shabbos Chol HaMo'ed Pesach - Thou Shalt Not Be a Donkey
03/29/2013 10:06:39 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Thou Shalt Not Be a Donkey
Pesach – Shabbos Chol HaMo’ed 5773
Based on the words of Mori VeRabi Harav Mordechai Gifter, z”l
The mishnah says, “All the scriptures are...
The Sweetness of Bitterness
03/22/2013 08:26:11 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
The Sweetness of Bitterness
Rav Yechezkel Landau, in his sefer, Tzion LiNefesh Chaya, ponders the order of the Pesach Seder.
The mitzvah of eating matzah precedes that of eating maror.
The Altar of the Grave
03/16/2013 04:57:58 PM
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Parshas HaChodesh - Light Amidst the Darkness
03/08/2013 08:43:41 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Light Amidst the Darkness
Parshas HaChodesh 5773
At the end of Chodesh Adar we read the parshah of “Hachodesh hazeh lachem rosh chadashim.”[1] This renewal is yours, the...Read more...
Sin of Greatness?
03/01/2013 09:12:44 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Sin of Greatness?
Parshas Ki Sisa 5773
The Bnei Yisroel committed the seemingly unforgivable. At the...
The Donkey of the Wicked
02/08/2013 08:08:39 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
The Donkey of the Wicked
Parshas Mishpatim 5773
The laws contained in Parshas Mishpatim are “sandwiched”...
Whose Children?
02/01/2013 08:21:29 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Yisro 5773
Whose Children? Her Children?
VaYishma Yisro – And Yisro heard. What did he hear? He heard about the splitting of the Yam Suf and the war waged against the Bnei Yisroel by the nation of Amalek. He heard and he came. He came with his...Read more...
Is It Safe To Cross?
01/25/2013 06:09:22 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas BeShalach - Is It Safe To Cross?
The Bnei Yisroel find themselves in a quandary, between a rock and a hard place. The Egyptians behind them, ready for blood, the Yam Suf blocking the way in front of them. They see Mitzrayim gaining on them and they are afraid, they are very...Read more...
Taking Back The World
01/20/2013 02:44:27 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Bo 5773
Taking Back the World
This week’s parshah marks the culmination of the ten makos that Hashem brought upon Mitzrayim. Some of them were life threatening, most were not. Pharaoh stubbornly resisted releasing the Bnei Yisroel from their...Read more...
Seeing is not Believing
01/12/2013 06:04:30 PM
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R Pesach Siegel
Seeing is not Believing – The Elusive Barley Grain
Parshas Va’Eira 5773
The Land of Egypt is smitten...
The Fathers Within Ourselves
01/04/2013 09:02:34 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
The following Torah thoughts are based on the words of Mori VeRabi Harav Mordechai Gifter, zichrono livracha. The yartzeit of the Rosh Yeshiva is this Friday night, the 23rd of Teves.
The Fathers Within Ourselves
Crowns of Thorns
12/28/2012 09:27:21 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Crowns of Thorns
Yosef swore to his father on his death bed that when the time comes for him to depart from the world, Yosef would return his father to Eretz Canaan.
The people of Mitzrayim...
Seeing Speech
12/21/2012 08:43:41 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Seeing Speech
This week’s parshah marks the cataclysmic reunion between Yosef Hatzaddik and his brothers. Yehuda, thinking him and his brothers falsely accused, stands poised to tear apart MItzrayim. Yosef spars with him verbally, trading threat for...Read more...
Between Two Worlds
12/14/2012 08:08:03 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Between Two Worlds
Chanuka 5773
There are wars and there are wars. Wars are fought by kings. In the period of the Davidic dynasty they were fought by kings who descended from the tribe of...Read more...
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9 Adar 5785
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